Myth Mountain: Characters

Myth Mountain is my first fairytale fantasy series, and here are descriptions of the main characters, without spoilers!

The three main characters are Yella, Miss Pereya (her mother) and Darun (her best friend).

Yella and Miss Pereya live in Tyrok, Village of the Soldiers, whilst Darun lives in Artok, Village of the Miners, though when his parents ask what he has been doing all evening, he replies— “Just at Yella’s.”


The determined and wilful girl who yearns to be the Chosen Soldier, to escape fighting a war she doesn’t want to fight. She never wants to serve the tyrannical Collectors whose emerald eyes are always watching her…

She is a master warrior, with sword, lance and bow. She is headstrong and very much like her Mother, who raised her alone. She doesn’t remember her father, but heard tales of him from her mother.

She is the only human who can dream, and she doesn’t know why.

Miss Pereya

Yella’s mother, who escaped an arranged marriage as a teen, returning with baby Yella in her arms, thus shunning her Path and disgracing her family. She raised Yella lovingly for the next 15 years… Now her girl wants to runaway like she did, chasing eternal glory on the Mountain of Myth. 

She works as a blacksmith, hammering away from dawn till dusk, never getting a moment’s rest, slaving away so that Yella can train and perhaps one day chase her dreams… leaving Miss Pereya all alone in the cottage.


The kind and simple miner boy, Yella’s best friend. Darun would do anything for her, and prefers the company of Yella and Miss Pereya to his own family, who are pious, they see him as needing to follow his Path, to be a miner and that is all, to attend Temple and be a good boy.

Darun has no ambitions to climb Myth Mountain but to see Yella leave would break his heart… 

He crafts a sword for Yella, for her to fight in the Mist or to climb the Mountain… and to Yella the blade seems too perfect to be true. Darun would never say how he made it…


The Poet girl whose moods change like the wind, daughter of the Poet Prince of Gethys. She would follow her hero Lorthak Lightbearer, and climb Myth Mountain no matter what her father says. 


The Farmer girl as proud and stubborn as an ox. She never wants to leave home, content to work the fields of Harken with her family, but when the Choosing comes… perhaps she has no choice. 

Brother Byron

The pious Priest boy who has been trained in the knowledge of Visio’s Pilgrimage up the Mountain of Myth since he was a child. But soon horrific nightmares plague him, tempting him away from the Path. 

The Collectors

The grey and blotchy humanoids with emerald eyes that see more than mortal eyes can. They look more undead than man, riding from the Mist to take the crops and soldiers of Undermountain with them. They claim protection tithe for fighting THE WAR, needing the resources to sustain mass armies in the Mist. None know where they came from, only that they helped the Mortals destroy their enemy, the Trow, hundreds of years ago. Since then, humanity has ever been under their thumb

The Trow

The faerie-like goblins unseen for hundreds of years, since the Collectors and the Mortals came together and cast them into the deep places. It is remembered in legend that they enjoyed drinking milk, and this alone would keep them from stealing newborns. There was rumoured to be two types, the Dawn Trow and the Dusk Trow, golden and lilac skinned respectively, who came out to hunt and murder at those twilight hours